This is an automated tool, where the Software owner can simply register and update his page.
The comparing and list result will adapt based on many factors including measured site popularity and the number of features it has.
How did we build this awesome list of almost all Amazon FBA tools:
We started by searching on Google to gather part of this list, we read many blogs mentioning the best FBA tools and do various comparisons.
We kept researching until we gathered a little over 100 FBA tools.
Next, we wanted a SasS App to do backend management that is 100% automated and collaborative, but we also wanted to limit the tool
owner from inputting random text to keep the list and comparison mechanism
as fair as possible, so we built an app to manage the tool vendor with categories and features that he can select and provide a screenshot picture as a
proof that such feature exists.
The next step which was the hardest and the most time-consuming is to manually review each one of the tools and gather all their claimed features,
this is because we wanted to create a list of features that many of the tools providers share.
After it's all done, we gathered all the possible features, eliminated the repeated ones, and renamed them to provide common meaning to the actual
feature provided by the tool owner, and we categorized these features to build structured and quick access data.
The final step was to eliminate some of the feathers that amazon provides as we wanted to list unique and creative features that Amazon does not provide.
Then we wrote a description for each feature so that its function is clear for both the vendors and the viewers.
Now the tool vendor can simply log in and update his app features by just adding or removing them in 1 click, The changes take effect immediately and
the tool rank, competition, and comparing changes based on the added or removed features.
Data Accuracy
This is a 100% manual process, there are no bots scraping anything from anywhere, it's done by real humans who have experiance on
Amazon FBA business.
We gathered vendor's data based on their claims, some of which we were able to log into the dashboard and confirm the claimed
feature, also capturing a screenshot too, some we had to see a screenshot or watch videos of their tool, and some we just took their
word for it as the vendor should update their features so that when people
are comparing 2 tools they can see the look and feel of the claimed feature and how to interact with it in the dashboard.